Once again Leigh Dayboll will be leading Nature Hikes in the Niagara Region. Read on for more.
Shorthills and the surrounding Niagara Escarpment are beautiful to photograph this time of the year! I am once again going to be running a (mostly) twice-weekly photo meet-up and walk in the various scenic areas around Shorthills Provincial Park and the Niagara Escarpment during the Fall 2015 photography season. We will be offering a wide range of tours this year, from easy to strenuous (but never life threatening). We will be shooting beautiful fall landscapes, wildlife and, hopefully, lots of colour. I guarantee that you will discover many interesting spots and subjects that you would never otherwise find on your own.
New this year: This year, the mid-week hikes will occur on "non-camera-club-Wednesdays" (meaning every Wednesday except the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month). That way, every Wednesday this fall can be devoted to improving your photography skills. The Saturday hikes will usually take about 2-1/2 hours and the Wednesday hikes generally take around 1-1/4 hours. We have some special mid-October dates planned in and around Niagara on the two most likely colour weekends in mid-October, so those tours may be a bit longer in length . Hopefully, we will see some members up from the other local clubs for some friendly, competitive shooting.
Come and join in on the fun! Tentatively, hikes will be held on the three listed Wednesdays as long as the light is good and it is not pouring rain, and each Saturday morning (until Nov 19th) commencing at 9:00 am sharp as long as it is not pouring rain. Don't let cloudy or stormy weather be a deterrent. Those are often the best days to shoot fall colours and waterfalls.
Here is my tentative calendar of events (be sure to check the Welland Camera Club Events Blog each week as dates draw near, since weather conditions and last minute changes are inevitable:
Saturday Hikes
Date Time Activity Rating Meeting Spot
Sep 17 9:00am Old locks/Secord Trail moderate Old Lakeview Cemetery, Townline Road, Thorold (west of the Walker Bros quarry yard)
Sep 24 9:00am Louth Falls Gorge moderate Louth Conservation Area Entrance, Staff Road, Jordan
Oct 01 9:00am Rockway Falls Gorge advanced Rockway Community Centre Lot, 8th Avenue, Jordan
Oct 08 9:00am Decew Falls challenge advanced Morningstar Mill parking lot, Decew Road, St. Catharines
Oct 15 9:00am Secret Fall Waterfalls moderate Shorthills, Wiley Road Entrance, Thorold
Oct 22 9:00am The Pipeline advanced Lions Club Parking Lot, Hwy 20, Fonthill
Oct 29 9:00am Final Fall Colours I advanced St. John's Outdoor Centre, Holland Road, Thorold
Nov 05 9:00am Final Fall Colours II moderate Shorthills, Eller Road Entrance, Thorold
Nov 12 9:00am Niagara Glen trails advanced Glen trails parking lot, (Niagara Parkway lot by spiral staircase), Niagara Falls
Nov 19 9:00am Woodend Cliffs moderate Woodend Conservation Area, Taylor Road, Niagara Falls
Wednesday Hikes
Date Time Activity Rating Meeting Spot
Sep 21 6:00pm Woodend ponds easy/moderate Woodend Conservation Area (outer entrance), Taylor Road, Niagara Falls
Oct 05 5:45pm Canal Sunset easy Welland Canal access road and Holland Road, north of Allanburg bridge on Hwy20, Thorold
Oct 19 5:30pm Lake Gibson Sunset easy Morningstar Mill parking lot, Decew Road , St. Catharines
As always (especially for the moderate and advanced hikes) good water-resistant hiking boots are a must. It is always advisable to carry a small backpack with a drink, a snack, spare socks/gloves, and a few first aid items.
Feel free to email me anytime at jld-law@xplornet.com to receive any updated information and intel.
I hope to see everyone out to at least a few sessions!
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